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Attention Small Business Owners

Small Businesses Are 350% MORE Likely To Be A Target Of A Cyber Attack

Don’t Be A Sitting Duck To Cybercrime

Fill Out This Form To Recieve a Free Cybersecurity Consultation

NEW Malware Threats

The bull's eye for cybercriminals is on small to midsize businesses, and the repercussions are severe—60% of them shut down within six months of a cyber attack.

Defying the Unfair Odds: Cybersecurity for Business Resilience

  • Email Backup and Security
  • Cloud Security
  • Network and Server Security
  • 24/7 Monitoring with a Security Operations Center
  • Network Assessments
  • Dark Web Monitoring
  • Employee Cybersecurity Training

Life's unfair, isn't it? While victims of traditional crimes like burglary receive empathy and support, businesses hit by cybercrime face instant blame. Inadequate answers could make you liable, leading to severe fines and lawsuits, and this colossal, costly, and reputation-damaging nightmare squarely rests on YOUR shoulders. Navigate the dynamic world of cyber threats with confidence. Our comprehensive cybersecurity solutions are tailored to protect your business.

Silent Assurance: Our Cybersecurity Success

In the last three months, we successfully defended against 2,099 malware, ransomware, and virus attacks, secured 1,789 computers and servers, and successfully thwarted 657 security alerts.

Prompt Service!

Knowing we have support behind us to assist when things go wrong has been the biggest benefit of adding LoyalITy as our IT partner. We know we can call for support at any time, or get immediate assistance when things are urgent, which is not something not all support firms can offer. Unsure of partnering with LoyalITy? There is no need to think about it. LoyalITy is the IT firm that you need if you want prompt and professional IT support without the costly addition of new internal IT staff.

Nasco Healthcare